Wellness and relax in the Stelvio National Park
For a holiday in the name of psycho-physical welfare PEJO SPA and RABBI SPAare the best places, located in the greenery of Stelvio National Park. Waters and spa treatments proposed by the Val di Sole spa centers are particularly suited for prevention of cellulite, for treating disorders of blood circulation, of respiratory system, of the skin, of urinary tract and for rehabilitation after physical injury. This offer is complemented by a modern wellness and welfare centers.

Il Pejo Spa Center is specialized in the treatment for skin disorder, vascular problem, and diseases of respiratory system, urinary tract, musculo -skeletal system. It also offers efficient and particular programmes for psycho-physical recovery programs, specific programs and for the prevention of cellulites. This offer is complemeted by a new thermal mud treatments against joinst and muscles inflammations.
L’hotel Santoni è convenzionato con i centri termali di Pejo e Rabbi, ai nostri clienti è stato riservato have a 10% discount..