Excursions with snowshoes
in Val di Sole
Exursions with snowshoes are a winter trendy activity on the snow.
Both the expert excursionist and the young boy looking for adventure can take part in this natural world show far from ski slopes and admire the idyllic winter landscapes of Val di Sole.
- Path of the Dwarves
- Valpiana
- Madonna delle Cime - Malghet Lakes
- Malghetto of Almazzago
Choose the more suitable to your abilities and your training: routes have different lenghts and difficulties. You can drive along them by feet or, even better, by snowshoes. You can have a look on the itineraries visit and download www.valdisole.net
Snowshoes with anti-ice crampon, ski poles, warm and comfortable winter clothings, gloves, wool cap, hiking boots, (NO MOON BOOTS!), glasses and sunscreen protection. Backpack with a small food pantry, flask with hot drinks, small «kit» for first aid and space blanket.
If you prefer having an EXPERT GUIDES you can ask one of these centers.
- Val di Sole Alpine guides
- Stelvio National Park
- Trentino Wild
- Dimaro Folgarida Vacanze Consortium
- Tre Laghetti Crossing country ski school